Monday, February 6, 2012

Salzburg, Austria

It was an early morning starting at 5:45. I got ready, packed, and ate breakfast. I witnessed one last dog fight (the worst one I'd seen all week), thanked Emma, and was on my way. Free at last!

I walked to the bus stop and got on the 6:37 bus to Schweinfurt Hbf. The bus driver did not look at me a I got on so I just sat on the second row while I got my money out. He drove off and didn't ask questions so I guess he thought I had a pass or something. I rode the bus for free. I feel bad about it but I don't know how the stupid bus works! He should have stopped me.

I took trains from Schweinfurt to Wurzburg-then to Munich and to Salzhurg. I could feel us going up in elevation because my ears kept popping. I saw snow. Lots of snow. I napped, and I read. I finished Extemely Loud and Incredibly Close. It was really good. I start Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand next. I saw a guy miss his stop and swear in German. I laughed at him, but I
sincerely hope that doesn't ever happen to me.

I arrived in Salzburg at 12:15, got a map, and headed to my hostel to drop off my backpack. After checking in, I locked it up in a locker and headed on my way.

FYI...Salzburg is famous for the Sound of Music and Mozart among other things. I had about an hour to wander before the Sound of Music tour I had a reservation for. I saw Mozart's 2nd house and the Mirabell Palace/Gardens. In the gardens are the Pegasus statue that the children dance around before lining up on the stairs.

I met up with my tour group and we got settled in the van. I was the only solo rider so I got to ride shotgun...just another perk to traveling alone. I was off for the highlight of the day!

We drove through Salzburg and got oriented, and then we drove to to Leopoldskron Palace which is one of the von Trapp homes in the movie (they used two). The lake in front of the palace (man made) was frozen over so there were people ice skating. We got to walk to the middle of the lake and get pretty close to the palace.

We went to the gazebo which got moved from the palace to a public park a ways away. It was made for the movie but donated to Salzburg afterward. They used to let people go inside, but someone got hurt jumping on the benches like they do in the movie so they locked it. This is the gazebo during Sixteen going on Seventeen and Something Good. It is so pretty. I want it. We saw the row of trees that Maria runs down when she first joins the von Trapp family. We also saw the second home. We saw the convent Maria was a part of, and then we headed for the hills.

We listened to the soundtrack as we ascended into the Lake District. The hills truly were alive with the sound of music, even in the ugly winter. I was beautiful! It was the nature fix I have been wanting and needing. We passed the town that Mozart's mother was born in, and then we arrived at the chapel that the Captain and Maria got married in in the movie. They really got married in the abbey, but the nuns didn't want them filming in there. I ate warm apple strudel at a cafe by the cathedral since I had just been listening to "My Favorite Things." it was yummy!!!

If you haven't seen The Sound of Music then you must go watch it now! It's a timeless classic. It's one of the best musicals ever made. Best of all, it's based on a true story. If you don't have it then go to a nursing home and watch it with the ladies there. Consider it a service from the kindness of your heart. I've seen it a thousand times and only two of those times have NOT been at work at nursing homes/hospitals. :)

(There were two Americans and four Asians on the tour. It cost €32-I got €5 off for paying cash and mentioning Rick Steves.)

It was a great tour and I really love Salzburg. I haven't had a chance to visit Old Town yet, but from what I've seen...Salzburg has been the most livable town that I've been to (with the exception of my workaway village). All the other towns have seemed so real people couldn't possible live there. But here in Salzburg, I can see it. I can see real life. It's not because it's not pretty or anything...I mean there's a castle on a hill in the middle of's just different. Bigger. Grander. I don't know what it is.

I got dinner at Spicy Spices...a trippy vegetarian-Indian restaurant. I got take-away curry and rice for €7. It was delicious and filling.

There is a big group of Australians staying at the hostel. I have talked to a German and a Brazilian that seem a bit...well, weird. I'm so exhausted and will be taking a shower and turning in early tonight. It started to snow as I was walking home. It stinks that the sun is down by few hours to sight see :(

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Hallsatt...the weather has really gotten me down as I picture what things would look like if it were summer. (It would be SO much prettier) Most everything will be closed in Hallstatt, but I hope it's still worth a visit...even if it is February. I hope to be back early enough to see Salzburg's Old Town.

"A bell is not a bell unless you ring it. A song is not a song until you sing it. Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love is not love until you give it away."

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