Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mont St Michel and Sheperds Pie

I made Roger more scrambled eggs this morning as well as toast and bacon. I have decided to issue a challenge to you matter your age, race, gender, or ethnicity, if you do not know how to cook scrambled eggs, pick up a dang spatula and learn how. How can you be forty something years old and not know how to scramble eggs?

I cleaned like mad for a few hours, and I probably pissed off 20 spiders by destroying their webs. We spent the afternoon enjoying the sunny weather (finally!) at Mont St Michel. I I visited the castles in Germany, but this little island cathedral is way better. It's so small but it has got a wall surrounding it and the biggest most beautiful cathedral going forever up to the sky. There are shops along the way, but that's all. Like I said, the island is small. I could probably sit and look at Mont St Michel all day. It's just so grand and pretty! We didn't go inside but maybe when my dad comes we can.

We walked the dog a bit...or should I say he walked me. I've never seen a dog pull on the leash the way Veejay does. I almost got pulled out to sea three times! He's a bad dog, but he's cute too.

We ate lunch at a nice restaurant on the mainland. I thought I ordered a salad but it ended up being something that looked like a pizza. It wasn't a pizza, but it was a deliciously large piece of bread topped with veggies and cheese. I've never had anything like it. We got dessert, and while Roger enjoyed his creme brûlée, I enjoyed my assertee grandeur more. I got four different desserts for only €1,50 more than Roger's creme brûlée. I don't know what they were, but they were all really good!! Check out the picture.

I cleaned like mad for several hours after that. Cleaning is exhausting. I don't know how (or why) maids do it. I'd rather wipe butts any day.

I made Sheperd's Pie for dinner. It was easier and much less stressful than the other things I've made. I've never actually made a Sheperd's pie before. I used beef so I guess "cottage pie," the English term, is more appropriate. It turned out really, really good. Roger had seconds. I was proud. I've realized that this cooking experience has been like learning a language. You learn best when you're FORCED to do it. You learn a language best by actually living in a country that speaks it, forcing you to speak it every day. I'm learning how to cook because i'm forces to do it. That kind of actually applies to everything...for example, I learned how to navigate Europe by being over here figuring it out not by looking at maps and reading books at home. I'm pretty freaking pro now too.

Anyway...we watched Master Chef UK style. It's Roger's favorite, and I see where he gets his unrealistic, fancy dinner inspiration from. I'm glad my dad is coming because I'm starting to feel like I'm dating this old bloke. Imagine what people are thinking as he and I sit in restaurants together. Ew. Sick. Hurry dad!

So you know how Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people all look the same to us? Well, Roger thinks that when we (non-Asians) visit their homelands they can tell Europeans/Australians/Americans/Canadians from each other. They totally can't, the same way we can't tell them apart right?! Roger totally dissed me and said I look as American as they come. Good thing I'm proud to be an American so it's ok.

It's late. I'm tired. The guests will be arriving tomorrow, and we have a dinner to cook for them. Elise will do most of that, but I will be the waitress. I need to brush up on my French!!

Ps sorry of there are typos. I'm too tired to double check.


  1. Mont St Michel est tres jolie, n'est pas?
    Don't worry about the French... we're actually learning about serving food in my class right meow! "Qu'est-ce que vous prenez?" means "what will you take?" or basically "what are you having?"
    Bonne chance avec le francais!
    also, i can't believe i am the resident family "French speaker" and I don't get to come out there. Fail.

  2. If you ever want to stay in Normandy for a little bit, Roger would take you in in a heartbeat. He's desperate for French speakers. You would get good practice with your French! It would be even better if Luke came cause he's also desperate for people that can cook. You guys could be the ultimate package for them!

  3. Ah heck yeah! I want to do it when I graduate... It'd be so rad. As long as he'd be okay with the MALE being the one who cooks. Most people think we're nuts when I say that I can barely boil water, but Luke makes the best meals everrr! :D

  4. Heck, I'd want Lauren's job! She'd just have to go around speaking french. Luke would have to cook for Roger, which we hear from Casie is horrible! I must learn french!

    I am taking a spanish class on Tuesday nights. Maybe I could go hang with the drug dealers at a Bed and Breakfast in Mazatlan. I could bring Alex with me and he could do all the cooking.

  5. Or you could not do that and just say you did. :)
