Friday, January 27, 2012

Intro to Amsterdam

The train to Amsterdam was ridiculously long. I was expecting two hours, but it actually took three. There were some funny Europeans in my cabin for part of the time though. One guy's sweater alone was enough to entertain me for half the time!

I walked over to the library because 1. It was the only thing I knew the location of, 2. It has a pretty view of Amsterdam, and 3. It has a cafe, and I was hungry. I wasn't hungry hungry, I just wanted fruit or vegetables. Stupid, I know, but the super markets only have oranges for like 3 euros each, and for those of you without your calculators...that's like five bucks for one stupid orange. So yeah...I've been lacking some vital nutrients for sure.

Anyway...I went up there and yeah, the view was great, but the balcony was closed so I couldn't get a picture.:( It was cool to see all sorts of students studying, but I don't know how they got anything done with all the people everywhere. I got a small salad bowl, a grapefruit, an a water for like 8.50 euro. Total rip off. Especially cause they don't tell you when water is free so I bought a bottled water for no reason.

I had delayed long enough and I really needed to find my hostel at this point. I had two maps but neither made sense. I had directions to the hostel and that involved riding a tram so I bought a one hour ticket and found my hostel. (It's tons bigger and nicer than the last one.) I wanted to hit up the Van Gogh Museum before my tram pass ran out because the museum is kinda far away. I went hunting for a tram station by the tram I needed. No luck. So I hauled butt back to Centraal station on foot. I may or may not have passed a sex museum as well as some sort of strip club. While everyone else's heads were turning towards these things, little innocent me just kept my eyes on the road as best as i could. I ended up buying a 24 hour tram pass for 7 more euro. The original plan was to rent a bike, but I'll tell you why that idea instantly failed in just a minute.

I got on the right tram and got to the museum. It was awesome! I didn't think I'd like the museums as much as I am! I learned a lot about Van Gogh and art. He loved nature and flowers, and he killed himself thinking he was a failure when really he was an epic success. No pictures were allowed in this museum, and I followed the rules this time.

Because I don't know where the tram stops and goes, I rode all the way back to Centraal station and took the tram that goes near my hostel. I was starving so I got a second dinner. All this walking is wearing me out! I tried a couple of supermarkets but I didn't want chips or cookies. I found a place called Shanghai Noodle and I got me some sweet and sour chicken. It was delicious. They only gave me chopsticks and there were legit Chinese kids in there so I didn't want to ask for a fork. I sucked it up and used the chopsticks. There was a big spoon thing that I had no idea what to do with (I'm sure it was for sauces), but I saw a Chinese girl using it to scoop up rice and my chopsticks were being so unsuccessful that I copied her and used my spoon thing like she did. That was a really long run on sentence. Sorry. The second they left, I ran to the desk and asked for a fork. My dignity. My pride. I couldn't let them go. Haha. That meal took me a good 45 minutes to eat. Stupid chopsticks.

I walked back to my hostel where I will stay the rest of the night. Whoa! It's ten pm! No wonder I'm so tired.

So overall I have not liked Amsterdam all that much. The architecture is beautiful, but there are so. Many. People. So many stupid people!! I hate the language (Dutch), I hate the traffic, I hate the smell (it's either cigarette smoke or pot), and I hate the transportation system (mostly cause it makes no sense to me). like I said, I wanted a bike, but I'm so scared of getting KILLED by a car, bus, tram, or another biker!! Seriously!! People are everywhere. I swear there's no such thing as a road. There are bike paths but people just go wherever they can fit. People cross the tram tracks even if a tram is just five feet away from hitting them. It's just madness!! Stinky, foreign, madness. I couldn't get any pictures cause it's been dark since I got here, but tomorrow you shall see Amsterdam!


  1. I think I have an old sweater like that guys. Maybe Rachel can use it for "ugly sweater day" next time...

    Also, becasue these people are probably stoned they may not be able to walk on the sidewalks and have distorted views of how close a tram is to them!

  2. I haven't been on the computer much the last couple of days. So I got on at work today and was intrigued to read all your blogs. I have been sitting here for the past half hour is not here:) I love all the detail you give. (Chris could take some lessons when writing home about his mission!!) I wish I would have done something like you are doing before I got married. You will never ever regret this!! Continue to have fun and don't let the hard stuff get you down. The great stuff will totally outweigh the hard in the end. KEEP POSTING! Love it...

  3. Whoever did the lay out of the city was probably stoned as well. Actually, I think/hope the canals are to blame so I should take that back...

    Thanks for reading Annette! I'm overly detailed because I want to remember everything about my trip an also because I have no one to talk to :) Thanks for the encouragement. It helps more than you know!!

  4. I love how you took advantage of that guy and took his picture while he was sleeping! You are not so innocent after all!!!

    I would so love to do what you're doing and write about my travels. I NEED to be a guidebook writer! So fun! Maybe when Rachel and Kylie are grown I can tour the US (as Europe totally frightens me!) and I can write on a blog all the details that you are.

    My heart and mind are with you almost every waking minute. I constantly wonder what you're doing and how you're feeling. Technology is amazing! I'm so lucky I get to have instant access to your adventure!

    BTW, this is mom. I don't know why it's saying that dad typed this. Just another techno blunder, I guess.

  5. When I was reading about the sweater I was thinking, "Too bad she can't take a picture of the sweater." So when I saw it I laughed out loud. That's awesome that you took a picture.

  6. He wasn't even sleeping mom! He was looking at his watch. Sneak attack!! It kinda freaks me out how easy it is to creep with a camera on an iPod or phone. :/

    Oh and mom...take me with you on your travels!!

  7. Oh, even worse! He was awake! I know...he was too stoned to notice you sitting there....let alone that you took a picture!

    I would so love to take you on my travels! But, of course, by that time you will have YOUR little ones to raise which is exactly why I haven't gone yet. I'm still doing the job I was probably sent here to do. I'm talking I would love to travel for months....maybe going from national park to amusement park to national park. Wouldn't that be so fun? Course, I'm not sure dad would go for that. We will see where we're both at in 6 years when Kylie's 18.

    Love, love, love, love, love you!

  8. Well, if I'm still single I'm totally in!!

  9. And I would love to totally take you!
